I've been passively seeking a wood turner to make some bowls for me over the past few years; I envisioned adding micro-mosaics to simple wooden bowls. I say passively because the timing needed to be right, and the collaboration needed to have the right "attitude". When I met Dale Yoder earlier this year, the conversation easily opened up to this idea that had been brewing.
Dale is a local farmer who turns bowls from salvaged wood; it is something he does in his spare time, with great joy. My husband, Scott, and I met with Dale and his wife, Tammy, a few months back at their farmhouse where we looked at several bowls and platters Dale was working on. We discussed what I needed (a shallow channel for micro-mosaics) and with not much else by way of direction, we decided to go forward with a collaboration. Dale used madrone and walnut to make me three small bowls, about 6" diameter.