A Safe Place

A Safe Place

"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place we can go as we are and not be questioned." 
-Maya Angelou

In celebration of Jenna Franks, 34, described by friends and family as "sweet", "a rockstar", "a beautiful soul" and "a breath of fresh air". 
Artists are celebrating the lives of individual trans and non-binary folks whose lives were lost to violence and hate by creating pieces in their honor.

Where: Instagram @metalsmithsforchange.
Fundraiser Dates: Nov 6-7 and 20-21
 Proceeds Benefit: National Black Justice Coalition (95%) & Metalsmiths for Change Fund (5%)

This pendant is made of sterling silver, the edges and bail are hand engraved, and the back is stamped with the quote from Maya Angelou. The stone is a druzy agate, and in the space in the middle--lined with crystalline druzy--I added a micro-mosaic of incandescent beads and grout. I am including a small flashlight to charge/light the pendant. 

The National Black Justice Coalition's mission is to end racism, homophobia, and LGBTQ/SGL bias and stigma.
Their policy agenda highlights the importance of intersectional advocacy, and the NBJC is dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.
Their work involves community engagement, outreach, research, education, advocacy, and policy change.
Check out nbjc.org to learn more or donate today.

By participating in this fundraiser, I hope that bidders, and followers can celebrate these lives we honor by spreading awareness and learning what you can do to be an ally and accomplice for the LGBTQ community.

Find many useful resources at 
@nbjconthemove, the recipient of our fundraiser.

Click here for a full list
ADVOCATE: A person who actively works to end intolerance, educates others, and support social equity for a marginalized group.
ALLY: (typically straight- or cis-identified) person who supports, and respects for members of the LGBTQ community. While the word doesn’t necessitate action, we consider people to be active allies who take action upon this support and respect, this also indicates to others that you are an ally.
FAMILY OF CHOICE (CHOSEN FAMILY): Persons or group of people an individual sees as significant in his or her life. It may include none, all, or some members of his or her birth family or origin. In addition, it may include individuals such as significant others, domestic partners, friends, and coworkers.
EQUALITY VS. EQUITY: Equality is the fairness of everyone being afforded justice, Equality has become synonymous with “leveling the playing field.” Equity is being granted the accessibility as everyone to receive justice. We must first ensure equity before we can enjoy equality. "more for those who need it”.
LIFESTYLE: An offensive term often incorrectly used to describe the lives of people who are LGBTQ. The term is disliked because it implies that being LGBTQ is a choice.
LGBTQIA+: An umbrella term that stands for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersexual, asexual, ally, and others”.
MARGINALIZED: Excluded, ignored, or relegated to the outer edge of a group/society/community.
OPPRESSION: Systematic, institutionalized mistreatment of and misinformation about people who are (perceived to be) members of a particular group. Oppression is always backed up by social norms and cultural power.
INTERNALIZED OPPRESSION: The process by which, an oppressed person comes to believe, accept, or live out the inaccurate stereotypes and misinformation about their group.
INVITING IN: The practice of disrupting the expectation that LGBTQ/SGL people must come out and otherwise recite the moment when they were told by the world that they are not “normal” or otherwise “like everyone else”. Inviting In celebrates the diversity that exists within the Black community and emphasizes the importance of everyone doing the work to demonstrate competence and compassion such that at some point others may invite you into knowing intimate parts of themselves.
OTHERING (OTHERIZE): Language that refers to them or ―others; typically used to identify a separation between and among groups. It has been used in social sciences to understand the processes by which societies and groups exclude 'Others' whom they want to subordinate or who do not fit into their society.
OUTing: OUTing refers to revealing someone else‘s sexual orientation or gender identity to others without the consent of the person.
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